The way we walk and the shoes we wear significantly impact our posture, balance, and overall health. These days, many people are discovering the benefits of a barefoot lifestyle and barefoot shoes, which promote natural foot alignment and strength.
This article explores how barefoot living and barefoot shoes, combined with treatments such as massage therapy, can create a balanced, pain-free body.
How barefoot shoes support strong muscles, proper alignment and better posture
Barefoot shoes have a minimal design, providing little to no arch support, cushioning, or heel elevation, allowing the feet to function more naturally. Walking barefoot or wearing barefoot shoes helps restore the foot's natural biomechanics, allowing the foot to splay and engage muscles that are often underused in regular shoes. This leads to improved posture by:
Research shows that modifications in lower leg muscle activation occur when walking barefoot or in minimalist shoes, allowing for greater proprioception and engagement of the foot muscles (Franklin et al 2018). It also strengthens, maintains proper alignment and increases balance (Hollander et al 2016), directly leading to better posture.
But what about my orthotics?
Orthotics, designed to help with foot pain, posture problems and alignment correction, may be useful for some people, especially those with specific conditions. However, they may not be a long-term solution for everyone. The solution for your health needs to be tailored specifically to you - research shows the importance of tailored solutions based on how the body responds to different footwear options (Franklin et al 2018). It’s best to try out some different options with the help of your podiatrist or other healthcare providers to find your ideal solution.
The role of massage therapy in improving posture
Massage therapy is vital in maintaining and enhancing posture by addressing muscle imbalances, tension, and restricted movement (Hollander et al 2016). When combined with barefoot practices, it helps release tight muscles, increases blood flow, and corrects compensatory patterns caused by years of wearing conventional shoes or orthotics.
Key muscle groups include:
Calves: Tightness from elevated heels can restrict ankle mobility by straining calf muscles. Massage can help to loosen tight muscles.
Plantar Fascia (fibrous tissue along the bottom of your foot): Barefoot shoes encourage more movement here, and massage therapy can alleviate tension as you get used to the transition from conventional footwear.
Hip flexors and lower back muscles: Improved foot alignment reduces strain on these areas, and massage therapy can further relieve tension.
How to combine barefoot practices and massage therapy
Combining the benefits of massage therapy and a barefoot lifestyle offers a holistic approach to improving posture and overall well-being. Here are some tips to get started with integrating these two treatments into your wellbeing plan:
Start gradually: Transition slowly to barefoot shoes, allowing feet to adapt. At first, it may feel uncomfortable – just like anything new! Massage therapy can help ease soreness and prevent injury during the transition period.
Address muscle tension regularly: Regular massage can target tight or overworked muscles, enhancing the benefits of barefoot walking. By keeping a regular routine of massage, you can reap ongoing benefits.
Find what works for you: Tailor your approach to your needs, whether that means barefoot shoes, orthotics, or a combination. Regular massage therapy can help you stay balanced as you navigate your unique journey to better posture.
So, are you interested in improving your posture and overall well-being through a barefoot lifestyle? Or maybe you want to explore a combination of barefoot practices and orthotics? Either way, as you embark on this journey, integrating massage therapy into your routine can help keep you feeling your best.
Book a consultation with Remedial Massage Therapist Audrey at Realign Health Clinic to find the best approach for your unique posture and foot health needs.
Franklin S, Li FX, Grey MJ., Modifications in lower leg muscle activation when walking barefoot or in minimalist shoes across different age-groups, Gait Posture, 2018
Hollander, K., van der Zwaard, B.C., de Villiers, J.E. et al., The effects of being habitually barefoot on foot mechanics and motor performance in children and adolescents aged 6–18 years: study protocol for a multicenter cross-sectional study (Barefoot LIFE project), J Foot Ankle Res, 2016